Google announced the availability of the artificial intelligence technology Gemini for teenage students through their school accounts, after initially introducing Gemini to them using their personal accounts.
The company also provides teachers with the opportunity to access new tools in addition to this version.
According to Google, granting young people access to Gemini may help them acquire the necessary skills to succeed in an era full of artificial intelligence and advanced technology.
The company believes that Gemini can be beneficial for students in boosting their self-confidence through providing instant feedback.
Google emphasizes not using conversation data with students for training artificial intelligence, and works to ensure responsible delivery of this technology to students.
Gemini includes a protection mechanism that prevents the appearance of any inappropriate responses, such as illegal content or age-restricted content.
Google recommends young people to enable two-factor authentication to support them in developing their digital skills and critical thinking.
Gemini allows teenage students to use their accounts across Google Workspace for Education in English in over 100 countries. Gemini has been suspended for teenagers by Google until officials can enable it.
Additionally, Google has announced the global launch of the in-class reading feature. This feature contributes to enhancing students’ reading skills and providing them with the necessary support in real time.
Teachers can customize reading activities for students according to grade level or language skills. They can then assess students’ reading accuracy and speed, as well as their understanding of the material.
Google is working on enhancing its ability to create customized stories to meet students’ needs, and provides easy-to-use tools for teachers to create, manage, and share interactive lessons.
In addition, teachers can determine whether assignments are complete or incomplete by manually marking them and can also carry out group registration actions.