In a groundbreaking move, Japan is utilizing artificial intelligence to tackle the rampant issue of manga piracy and protect its thriving anime industry. By harnessing AI technology, the country is …
Company NewsInterntional
Honor Unveils AI Defocus Eye Protection: Combat Eye Strain
He wrote it Rafi BaraziHe wrote it Rafi BaraziUnlock the future of eye protection with Honor’s groundbreaking AI Defocus technology. Designed to combat eye strain and myopia, this innovative solution offers unparalleled protection for your eyes. Say goodbye …
Moroccan Customs Administration Adopts AI to Combat Fraud
He wrote it Rafi BaraziHe wrote it Rafi BaraziThe Moroccan Customs Administration is revolutionizing its fight against fraud by embracing AI technology. This innovative approach promises to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and speed in detecting and preventing fraudulent activities. …
Company NewsInterntional
YouTube Launches a New Feature to Combat the Misuse of Artificial Intelligence in Mimicking Individuals
He wrote it Rafi BaraziHe wrote it Rafi BaraziYouTube has introduced a groundbreaking feature to tackle the misuse of artificial intelligence in impersonating individuals. This new tool uses cutting-edge technology to detect and remove deepfake videos, safeguarding users …